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UK Management

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Best cities to go to boarding school in the UK?

Best cities to go to boarding school in the UK?
I'm 13 and looking to go to boarding school in the UK. But I'm having trouble picking a location....Any lovely cities with some schools there? Thank you!:]
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers - 2010-08-06 02:11:32

Best Answer
Bath is a lovely city, and has lots of culture and history. It's also affluent and therefore I would assume it has a boarding school. Also, Exeter is nice, big enough to be a modern city but surrounded by countryside.

All Answers
Answer 1
Bath is a lovely city, and has lots of culture and history. It's also affluent and therefore I would assume it has a boarding school. Also, Exeter is nice, big enough to be a modern city but surrounded by countryside.
2010-08-06 02:22:53

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